Lab Publications

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In Progress

Johnny A. Uelmen Jr., Andrea Von Zuben, Carmino de Souza, Rafael Figueroa, Ryan M. Carney. 2023. Spatiotemporal characteristics of dengue and Zika outbreaks in Campinas, Brazil, 2016. In preparation for submission.



Titcomb, G., Uelmen, J.A., Nunn, C. 2023. Infectious disease responses to human climate change adaptations. Global Change Biology 30 (8), e17433. doi:

Wan, G, Allen, J, Ge, W, Rawlani, S, Uelmen, JA, Mainzer, L, and Smith, RL. 2022. Two-step light gradient boosted model to identify human West Nile virus infection risk factor in Chicago. PLoS ONE 19 (1), e0296283. doi:


Johnny A. Uelmen Jr., Andrew Clark, John Palmer, Landon C. Van Dyke, Russanne Low, Connor D. Mapes, Ryan M. Carney. 2023. Global Mosquito Observations Dashboard (GMOD): creating a user-friendly web interface fueled by citizen science to monitor invasive and vector mosquitoes. International Journal of Health Geographics 22 (28). doi:


Ryan M. Carney, Alex Long, Russanne D. Low, Sarah Zohdy, John R. B. Palmer, Peter Elias, Frederic Bartumeus, Laban Njoroge, Maina Muniafu, Johnny A. Uelmen, Nil Rahola, Sriram Chellappan. 2023. Citizen science as an approach for responding to the threat of Anopheles stephensi in Africa. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 8 (1): 1-15. doi:


Johnny A. Uelmen Jr., Connor D. Mapes, Agne Prasauskas, Carl Boohene, Leonard Burns, Jason Stuck, Ryan M. Carney. 2023. A Habitat Model for Disease Vector Aedes aegypti in the Tampa Bay Area, Florida. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 39 (2): 96-107. doi:


Karen M Holcomb, Sarabeth Mathis, J Erin Staples, Marc Fischer, Christopher M Barker, Charles B Beard, Randall J Nett, Alexander C. Keyel, Matteo Marcantonio, Marissa L. Childs, Morgan E. Gorris, Ilia Rochlin, Marco Hamins-Puértolas, Evan L. Ray, Johnny A Uelmen, Nicholas DeFelice, Andrew S Freedman, Brandon D Hollingsworth, Praachi Das, Dave Osthus, John M. Humphreys, Nicole Nova, Erin A Mordecai, Lee W. Cohnstaedt, Devin Kirk, Laura D. Kramer, Mallory J. Harris, Morgan P. Kain, Emily MX Reed, Michael A Johansson. 2023. Evaluation of an open forecasting challenge to assess skill of West Nile virus neuroinvasive disease prediction. Parasites & Vectors 16, 11.


Uelmen, J.A., Kopsco, H., Mori, J., Brown, W.M., and Smith, R.L. 2023. Modeling Community COVID-19 Transmission Risk Associated with U.S. Universities. Scientific Reports 13, 1428.


Uelmen, JA, Lamcyzk, B, Irwin, P, Bartlett, D, Stone, C, Mackay, A, Arsenault-Benoit, A, Ryan, SJ, Mutebi, J-P, Hamer, G, Fritz, M, and Smith, RL. 2023. Human biting mosquitoes and implications on WNV transmission. Parasites & Vectors 16, 2.


Leosani, Y., Uelmen, J.A., and Carney, R. 2022. Spatial evaluation of healthcare accessibility across archipelagic communities of Maluku Province, Indonesia. PLOS Global Public Health 3(3): e0001600.


Ranoa, DRE, Holland, RL, Alnaji, FG, Green, KJ, Wang, L, Fredrickson, RL, Wang, T, Wong, GN, Uelmen, JA, et al. 2022. Mitigation of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission at a Large Public University. Nature Communications 13, 3207.


Aley, I, Nehls, B, Uelmen, JA, and Hicks, A. 2021. Lessons Learned from a Sustainability-Focused Community-Based Learning Green Fund Partnership. Climate Change and Sustainability 15(1).


Keyel AC, Gorris ME, Rochlin I, Uelmen JA, Chaves LF, Hamer GL, et al. 2021. A proposed framework for the development and qualitative evaluation of West Nile virus models and their application to local public health decision-making. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 15(9): e0009653.


Uelmen, JA, Irwin, P., Brown, W.M., Karki, S., Ruiz, M.O., Li, B., and Smith, R.L. 2021. Dynamics of data availability in disease modeling: An example evaluating the trade-offs of ultra-fine-scale factors applied to human West Nile virus disease models in the Chicago area, USA.  Plos One 16(5): e0251517.


Uelmen, JA, Irwin, P., Bartlett, D., Brown, W.M., Karki, S., Ruiz, M.O., Fratterigo, J., Li, B., and Smith, R.L. 2020. The Effects of Scale on West Nile Virus. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene 104(1): 151-165.


Uelmen JA, Hicks, A, Nehls, Breana, Aley, Ian. 2020. Sustainability impacts of replacing high-flow toilets in a university residence hall. Sustainability: The Journal of Record 13(2): 74-80.


Uelmen, JA, Brokopp, and C, Patz, J. A. 2020. 15-year Evaluation of West Nile Virus in Wisconsin: Effects of Wildlife and Human Health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(5): 1767


Karki, S, Brown, WM, Uelmen, JA, O’Hara Ruiz, M, Smith, RL. 2019. The drivers of West Nile virus human illness: fine scale dynamic effects of weather, mosquito infection, social, and biological conditions. PLOS ONE 15(5): e0227160.


Chakraborty, S, Andrade, FCD, Ghosh, S, Uelmen, JA, and Ruiz, MO. 2019. Historical expansion of Kyasanur Forest Disease in India from 1957 to 2017: A retrospective analysis. Geohealth 3: 44-55.


Harbison, JE, Nasci, R, Runde, A, Henry, M, Binnal, J, Hulsebosch, B, Johnson, H, Uelmen, JA, Bradley, M, Newton, G, Irwin, P, and O’Hara Ruiz, M. 2018. Standardized Operational Evaluations of Catch Basin Larvicides from Seven Mosquito Control Programs in the Midwestern United States During 2017. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 34: 107-116.


Uelmen JA, Lindroth RL, Tobin PC, Schwartzberg EG, and Raffa KF. 2016. Effects of winter temperatures, spring degree-day accumulation, and insect population source on phenological synchrony between forest tent caterpillar and host trees. Forest Ecology and Management, 362: 241-250.

Uelmen JA, Duman JG, Lindroth RL, Schwartzberg EG, and Raffa KF. 2016. Supercooling points of diapausing forest tent caterpillar eggs. The Canadian Entomologist, 148: 512-519.



Harbison, JE, Nasci, R, Runde, A, Henry, M, Binnal, J, Hulsebosch, B, Johnson, H, Uelmen, JA, Bradley, M, Newton, G, Irwin, P, and O’Hara Ruiz, M. 2018. Standardized Operational Evaluations of Catch Basin Larvicides from Seven Mosquito Control Programs in the Midwestern United States During 2017. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 34: 107-116.


Titcomb, G., Uelmen, J.A., Nunn, C. 2023. Infectious disease responses to human climate change adaptations. Global Change Biology 30 (8), e17433. doi: 

Wan, G, Allen, J, Ge, W, Rawlani, S, Uelmen, JA, Mainzer, L, and Smith, RL. 2022. Income-stratified random forest model to identify human West Nile Virus infection risk factor in Chicago. Under peer review.